
Mutable Instruments Peaks (EOL)

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€ 179,00 (including VAT / BTW)
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Mutable Instruments Peaks (EOL)


Peaks provides 4 different functions in a small 8-HP package. Their common point? They are all about generating an audio or CV signal in response to a trigger, and are all focused on rhythmic works.

Peaks is a dual-channel module – making it very useful for duophonic patches or for controlling/synthesizing the kick/snare rhythmic backbone of a patch.

Classic ADSR

Peaks’ first function is a no-frills ADSR envelope with segment times going from 0.2ms to 8s. Carefully tuned envelope shapes (quartic attack, exponential decay and release) provide a smooth but nervous response.

LFO and tap LFO

Peaks’ can work as a free-running, resettable LFO, or as a tempo synchronized LFO.

5 waveforms are available, each of them with a shape/morphing parameter: wavefolded sine, variable slope triangle, PWM square, stepped triangle and sampled/interpolated noise.

A unique feature of Peaks is its ability to lock onto irregular sequence of taps: the module can detect the periodicity of the incoming trigger pattern, and adjust the duration of the LFO cycles accordingly.


Peaks can synthesize bass-drum, snare-drum and hi-hat sounds using a digital model of the TR-808 circuits. An alternate drum generation mode synthesizes more aggressive FM-style drum sounds.


2-channel trigger to signal converter.

Three control modes:

  • twin: Channel 1&2 share the same parameters but can be triggered independently.
  • split: Channel 1 is edited by knobs 1&2, channel 2 edited by knobs 3&4, with a simplified 2-parameter control scheme.
  • expert: Channel 1&2 are completely independent.

Four functions: ADSR envelope generator, LFO, tap-LFO, and 808-style bd/sd/hh generator. Four additional “hidden” functions.

ADSR envelope generator

  • Segment durations ranging from 0.2ms to 8s.
  • Quartic attack, exponential decay, exponential release.
  • Other fancy modes implemented in the code, waiting to be unlocked!


  • 0.03 Hz to 160 Hz.
  • 5 basic waveforms: square, triangle, sine, stepped, random.
  • Waveform variations and morphing for each of these: PWM, slope, folding/harmonics, step size, interpolation.
  • Phase at reset control.
  • Tap LFO can lock onto irregular rhythms.

Drum generator

  • Channel 1: 808 kick model with extra parameters (tune, punch).
  • Channel 2: 808 snare model with extra parameters (tune, decay).
  • Channel 2: A specific combination of settings transform the snare into a modelled 808 hi-hat.

Inputs, controls and outputs

  • 4 parameter edition pots.
  • Channel 1 & 2 trigger inputs.
  • Channel 1 & 2 trigger push-buttons.
  • Channel 1 & 2 CV/audio output.

Technical characteristics

  • 16-bit CV/audio generation with 48kHz sample rate.
  • Cortex-M3 ARM processor.
  • Open-source hardware and firmware.
  • 8-HP.
  • Easy firmware updates through an audio interface.
  • Current consumption: +12V: 60mA ; -12V: 2mA.

User manual


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