
Filters are another important part of a Eurorack system. Like its name suggests, a filter removes part of the signal, and lets the other part of the signal pass through. The type of filter determines what part of the signal gets filtered, and what passes through.

The most common types of filters are low pass, high pass and band pass. Low pass filters let low frequencies pass through and filter out high frequencies, which can give things a sort of underwater quality. These are sometimes referred to as high cut filters because they are cutting the high frequencies.

High pass filters do the opposite, allowing high frequencies to pass through while filtering out low frequencies. High pass filters are often used to create a rising sensation during the breakdown of a song to emphasize the bass drum once it kicks back in.

Band pass filters are a combination of high and low pass filters. They cut the signal above and below the cutoff frequency, letting only a narrow frequency band through. Notch filters, or Band reject filters, do the opposite and remove a band from the signal, which can create a swishy effect similar to a flanger.

The filter cutoff frequency is the point where the filtering begins to occur. By sweeping or modulating this cutoff frequency with various sources a huge range of timbres can be achieved.

The number of poles, or slope of a filter determines how gradually or abruptly the signal is filtered beyond the filter’s cutoff point.

A filter’s resonance, or Q refers to the amount of feedback applied at the filter’s cutoff point. This is sometimes referred to as emphasis because it emphasizes and exaggerates the filter’s cutoff point. Some filters have the ability to self resonate with high resonance or Q. This means that without an input signal connected, the filter is able to generate enough feedback at the cutoff frequency to generate a tone. This tone takes the form of a pure sine wave, which enables self resonating filters to also function as oscillators.


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  • Mutable Instruments Blades (Dual multimode filter)
    Mutable Instruments Blades (Dual multimode filter)

    Mutable Instruments Blades (Dual multimode filter)

    A dual multimode filter…A CV-controlled overdrive circuit capable of wavefolding.

    A clean 12dB/octave multimode filter self-oscillating cleanly across the audio range.


    € 299,00
  • Verbos Electronics Amp & Tone (2020 Version)
    Verbos Electronics Amp & Tone (2020 Version)

    VERBOS ELECTRONICS AMP & TONE (2020 VERSION)Verbos Electronics - Amplitude and Tone 10HP

    This is a new version of the old favorite.

    Verbos Electronics has taken the functions of the Amp & Tone module into a smaller 10HP package…

    € 360,00
  • Grp Synthesizer - Fixed Filter Bank
    Grp Synthesizer - Fixed Filter Bank

    Grp Synthesizer - Fixed Filter Bank

    Twelve BP filters, one HP, one LP at spaced cutoff frequencies
    Panel Width: 16 HP
    +12V = 62mA
    -12V = 60mA
    +5V = 0mAManual

    € 385,00
  • AJH Gemini 2412 Dual SVF black
    AJH Gemini 2412 Dual SVF black

    AJH - Gemini 2412 Dual SVF black

    This module comprises two fully featured, and beautiful sounding 12db multimode filters, based around the classic vintage SEM filters. Each individual filter has LP, BP and HP outputs, along with…

    € 499,00
  • AJH Gemini 2412 Dual SVF silver
    AJH Gemini 2412 Dual SVF silver

    AJH - Gemini 2412 Dual SVF silver

    This module comprises two fully featured, and beautiful sounding 12db multimode filters, based around the classic vintage SEM filters. Each individual filter has LP, BP and HP outputs, along with…

    € 499,00
  • IO Instruments - EUPORIE (VCF)
    IO Instruments - EUPORIE (VCF)

    IO Instruments - EUPORIE (VCF)

    Four Pole LOWPASS VCF with Moog and Sallen&Key Resonance

    Powerful Sound from sweet to overdriven with lot of character

    Simultan 24dB, 12dB & 6 dB Filter Outs

    12dB State Variable Highpass Input…

    € 129,00
  • 4ms Spectral Mulitband Resonator (SMR)
    4ms Spectral Mulitband Resonator (SMR)

    4ms Spectral Mulitband Resonator (SMR)

    The Spectral Multiband Resonator from 4ms Company is an innovative resonant filter which can process audio like a classic filter bank, ring like a marimba when plucked/struck, vocode, re-mix…

    € 475,00
  • ACL Dual State Variable VCF
    ACL Dual State Variable VCF

    ACL 12 dB Dual State Variable VCF

    The Dual 12 dB State Variable VCF module contains two 12dB state variable multimode VCF´s A and B, which both offer a Lowpass, a Bandpass and a Highpass filtered output of the input signal as…

    € 549,00
  • AJH FFB914 Fixed Filter Bank Dark Edition
    AJH FFB914 Fixed Filter Bank Dark Edition

    AJH FFB914 FIXED FILTER BANK DARK EDITIONThe Fixed Filter Bank 914 from AJH Synth is based on the sought after 914 Fixed Filter Bank from the 1960’s Moog 900 series modular synthesiser system. The design was revisited and…

    € 679,00
  • AJH FFB914 Fixed Filter Bank silver
    AJH FFB914 Fixed Filter Bank silver

    AJH FFB914 FIXED FILTER BANK SILVERThe Fixed Filter Bank 914 from AJH Synth is based on the sought after 914 Fixed Filter Bank from the 1960’s Moog 900 series modular synthesiser system. The design was revisited and adapted for…

    € 679,00
  • AJH Mega-Phase 12 black
    AJH Mega-Phase 12 black

    AJH MEGA-PHASE 12 BLACKhis is based on the vintage EH Smallstone phaser - which was 4 stages. So all of the JMJarre style Equinoxe sounds are readily available.
    However, it has been expanded to 12 stages, with some unique features…

    € 419,00
  • AJH Minimod Sonic XV black
    AJH Minimod Sonic XV black

    AJH-Synth Minimod Sonic XV black

    The Sonic XV Eurorack module is a four pole Diode Ladder Filter, featuring the circuitry and sound of the Musonics Sonic V synthesiser, which has a quite different character from transistor ladder…

    € 379,00
  • AJH Minimod Sonic XV Silver
    AJH Minimod Sonic XV Silver

    AJH-SYNTH Minimod Sonic XV Filter Silver

    The Sonic XV Eurorack module is a four pole Diode Ladder Filter, featuring the circuitry and sound of the Musonics Sonic V synthesiser, which has a quite different character from…

    € 379,00
  • AJH MiniMod VCF (black)
    AJH MiniMod VCF (black)


    The stuff of legends, the Moog transistor ladder filter changed the face of the musical landscape forever. The MiniMod VCF is a faithful replica of the 24db/octave low pass filter used…

    € 309,00
  • AJH MiniMod VCF (silver)
    AJH MiniMod VCF (silver)

    AJH-Synth MiniMod VCF (silver)

    Faithful clone of the early Minimoog lowpass filter with all transistor pairs selected and matched by hand what was nt the case with the later Minis. The circuitry runs internally with exactly the…

    € 309,00
  • Doepfer A-101-1 Vactrol Multitype Filter
    Doepfer A-101-1 Vactrol Multitype Filter

    This is the first vactrol based module in the A-100 system. A vactrol is a combination of a light depending resistor (LDR) and a LED (light emitting diode) both put into a small light-proof case. For more general details about…

    € 155,00
  • Doepfer A-101-1v Vactrol Multitype Filter
    Doepfer A-101-1v Vactrol Multitype Filter

    Doepfer A-101-1v Vactrol Multitype Filter (vintage)

    This is the first vactrol based module in the A-100 system. A vactrol is a combination of a light depending resistor (LDR) and a LED (light emitting diode) both put into a small…

    € 175,00
  • Doepfer A-101-2 Vactrol Low Pass Gate
    Doepfer A-101-2 Vactrol Low Pass Gate

    A-101-2 is a vactrol based combination of Low Pass filter (LP) and VCA and was inspired by the Buchla module 292. The term "Low Pass Gate" was created by Don Buchla and stands for a module that can be switched between low pass and…

    € 110,00
  • Doepfer A-101-2v Vactrol Low Pass Gate
    Doepfer A-101-2v Vactrol Low Pass Gate

    A-101-2v is a vactrol based combination of Low Pass filter (LP) and VCA and was inspired by the Buchla module 292. The term "Low Pass Gate" was created by Don Buchla and stands for a module that can be switched between low pass…

    € 125,00
  • Doepfer A-101-3 Modular Vactrol Phase Filter
    Doepfer A-101-3 Modular Vactrol Phase Filter

    Module A-101-3 is a 12 stage phase shifter with vactrols as phase shifting elements. Vactrols are known for their smooth sound behaviour. For more general details about vactrols please look at the Vactrol Basics page.
    In contrast…

    € 359,00
  • Doepfer A-101-6 Six Stage Opto FET VCF
    Doepfer A-101-6 Six Stage Opto FET VCF

    Doepfer A-101-6 Six Stage Opto FET VCF

    A-101-6 is a new filter module that uses so-called opto FETs to control the filter frequency. Opto FETs are very similar to Vactrols but use light depending field effect transistors (FETs)…

    € 110,00
  • Doepfer A-102 Diode Low Pass (VCF9)
    Doepfer A-102 Diode Low Pass (VCF9)

    (In Doepfer Bag, no box)

    Module A-102 is a reproduction of the legendary low pass filter design that uses diodes in the filter stage as frequency controlling elements resulting in "strange" resonance behaviour and frequency…

    € 100,00 € 89,00
  • Doepfer A-103 18dB Low Pass 1 (VCF6)
    Doepfer A-103 18dB Low Pass 1 (VCF6)

    Module A-103 is a voltage controlled low pass filter with 18dB/octave slope. The circuit is based on a modified transistor ladder (Moog ladder) and is a reproduction of the legendary TB303 filter.

    As for the rest the A-103 is…

    € 100,00
  • Doepfer A-104 Trautonium Formant Filter
    Doepfer A-104 Trautonium Formant Filter

    A-104 is a fourfold formant filter as used in the Mixtur Trautonium by Oskar Sala. It is made of four parallel resonance filters, each filter can be switched to low pass or band pass or off. Frequency, resonance and level are…

    € 150,00
  • Doepfer A-105-4 Quad Poly VCF
    Doepfer A-105-4 Quad Poly VCF

    Doepfer A-105-4 Quad Poly VCF

    A-105-4 is Doepfers first polyphonic filter and contains four identical 24dB Lowpass filters (SSM2044 type). It has available common manual controls and CV inputs with attenuators for these…

    € 240,00
  • Doepfer A-106-1 Xtreme Lowpass/Highpass Filter
    Doepfer A-106-1 Xtreme Lowpass/Highpass Filter

    (In Doepfer Bag, no box)

    Module A-106-1 has it's origin in our experiments to built a MS20 filter clone. The module is not exactly the same as the MS20 filter but similar. The famous original MS20 included two filters: a 12 dB…

    € 130,00 € 119,00
  • Doepfer A-106-5 12dB SEM Filter
    Doepfer A-106-5 12dB SEM Filter

    Module A-106-5 is a 12dB multimode filter that is based on the filter circuit of the Oberheim SEM module.The filter is equipped with a band pass output and a combined low/notch/high pass output. For this output a control knob…

    € 95,00
  • Doepfer A-106-6 XP Filter
    Doepfer A-106-6 XP Filter

    (In Doepfer Bag, no box)

    Module A-106-6 is a multimode filter that is based on the filter circuit of the Oberheim Xpander. The module features 15 different filter types (those filters of the A-107 that were available in the…

    € 175,00 € 159,00
  • Doepfer A-108 6/12/24/48dB Low Pass Filter
    Doepfer A-108 6/12/24/48dB Low Pass Filter

    Module A-108 is a completely new voltage-controlled low pass pass filter based on the well-known transistor ladder (Moog ladder). The module has internally an 8 stage low pass filter with different slopes available: 6, 12, 18, 24,…

    € 175,00
  • Doepfer A-120 24dB Low Pass 1 (VCF1)
    Doepfer A-120 24dB Low Pass 1 (VCF1)

    Module A-120 is a voltage controlled low-pass filter, which filters out the higher parts of the sound spectrum, and lets lower frequencies pass through. The Cut-Off Frequency determines the point at which filtering takes effect.…

    € 120,00
  • Doepfer A-120v 24dB Low Pass Vintage Edition (black)
    Doepfer A-120v 24dB Low Pass Vintage Edition (black)

    (In Doepfer Bag, no box)

    Doepfer A-120v 24dB Low Pass Vintage Edition (black)

    Module A-120 is a voltage controlled low-pass filter, which filters out the higher parts of the sound spectrum, and lets lower frequencies pass…

    € 135,00 € 119,00
  • Doepfer A-121-2 Multi mode filter
    Doepfer A-121-2 Multi mode filter

    Doepfer A-121-2 Multi mode filter

    Module A-121 is a voltage-controlled multi-mode filter with a cut-off slope of -12 dB / octave. Four simultaneous outputs are available, each with different characteristics: low-pass, band-pass,…

    € 130,00
  • Doepfer A-121-2V Multi mode filter
    Doepfer A-121-2V Multi mode filter

    Doepfer A-121-2V Multi mode filter (vintage black

    Module A-121 is a voltage-controlled multi-mode filter with a cut-off slope of -12 dB / octave. Four simultaneous outputs are available, each with different characteristics:…

    € 145,00
  • Doepfer A-121-3 Micro VCF
    Doepfer A-121-3 Micro VCF

    DOEPFER A-121-3 MICRO VCFModule A-121-3 is functionally nearly identical to module A-121-2. Only the distances between the controls and sockets are smaller and rubberized, small rotary knobs are used. Therefore the front panel…

    € 110,00
  • Doepfer A-123-2 6/12/18/24 dB Highpass
    Doepfer A-123-2 6/12/18/24 dB Highpass

    Doepfer A-123-2 6/12/18/24 dB Highpass

    A-123-2 is a voltage controlled highpass filter with four filter outputs (6, 12, 18 and 24dB slope). It also features voltage control of the resonance.

    These controls and in/outputs are…

    € 130,00
  • Doepfer A-124 SE Wasp Filter (Black & Yellow special edition)
    Doepfer A-124 SE Wasp Filter (Black & Yellow special edition)

    Doepfer A-124 SE Wasp Filter (Black & Yellow special edition)

    Module A-124 is a special 12dB multimode filter using the "strange" filter circuit of the "EDP Wasp" (an analog synthesizer with black/yellow case built end of the…

    € 95,00
  • Doepfer A-124 Wasp Filter
    Doepfer A-124 Wasp Filter

    Module A-124 is a special 12dB multimode filter using the "strange" filter circuit of the "EDP Wasp" (an analog synthesizer with black/yellow case built end of the seventies, manufactured by the UK company "Electronic Dream…

    € 95,00
  • Doepfer A-125 Voltage Controlled Phase Shifter
    Doepfer A-125 Voltage Controlled Phase Shifter

    Module A-125 (VC Phaser) is a voltage controlled phase shifter.
    Phase shifting can be controlled either manually or by voltage control.
    Other parameters which can be controlled are resonance (governing the depth of the comb…

    € 100,00
  • Doepfer A-127 VC Triple Resonance Filter
    Doepfer A-127 VC Triple Resonance Filter

    Module A-127 is a triple resonance filter unit. It contains three separate voltage controlled band pass filters. Each filter has it's own LFO (triangle waveform) with LED display and adjustable frequency and amplitude. Instead of…

    € 220,00
  • Discontinued

    Doepfer A-127BOM Breakout module for A-127
    Doepfer A-127BOM Breakout module for A-127

    Doepfer A-127BOM Breakout module for A-127

    In addition a breakout module A-127BOM is available. This expansion module offers the following additional functions:

    ∙ notch filter for each sub-unit
    ∙ separate outputs for…

    € 80,00
  • Doepfer A-128 Fixed Filter Bank
    Doepfer A-128 Fixed Filter Bank

    Module A-128 (Fixed Filter Bank) is a filter bank, made up of 15 parallel band pass filters, all with fixed middle frequencies and bandwidth (50 Hz / 75Hz / 110Hz / 150Hz / 220Hz / 350Hz / 500Hz / 750Hz / 1.1kHz / 1.6kHz / 2.2kHz…

    € 200,00
  • Doepfer A-196 Phase Locked Loop (PLL)
    Doepfer A-196 Phase Locked Loop (PLL)

    Module A-196 contains a so-called phase locked loop (PLL). The basic PLL system is shown in the sketch at the bottom of this page. A PLL consists of three parts: voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO), phase comparator (PC), and…

    € 85,00
  • Grp Synthesizer - VCF 24dB Low Pass
    Grp Synthesizer - VCF 24dB Low Pass

    Grp Synthesizer - VCF 24dB Low Pass

    Transistor Ladder Filter w 1-4 poles LP and SELECT aux out
    Two audio in (one adj) and two CV In (one adj)
    Cutoff, Res, w Automatic Gain Change and ext CV in
    Distortion, Amt Res CV In

    € 330,00
  • Intellijel Dr. Octature II (VCO/LFO)
    Intellijel Dr. Octature II (VCO/LFO)

    INTELLIJEL DR. OCTATURE II (VCO/LFO)4-POLE LOW PASS FILTER AND OCTATURE SINE WAVE VCO/LFOJust like the original Dr. Octature the basis of the module is a 4-pole lpf inspired by the classic “cascaded ota” design, but realized…

    € 249,00
  • Intellijel µVCF
    Intellijel µVCF

    µVCFIntroducing the µVCF state variable filter.

    This is another great David Dixon filter design that has been on the workbench for a while. It is a very clean and precise filter that also doubles as an excellent sine VCO.


    € 169,00
  • ReBach - CATCH VCF-A
    ReBach - CATCH VCF-A

    ReBach - CATCH VCF-A

    tasty filter with extreme resonance / self oscillation

    ∙ Eurorack Voltage Controlled 2 pole Lowpass Filter.
    ∙ High feedback / self oscillation level !
    ∙ 1 signal IN / 1 signal OUT / CV1 IN (adjustable)…

    € 95,00
  • ReBach - GR21 VCF
    ReBach - GR21 VCF

    ReBach - GR21 VCF Low Pass Filter

    The GR21 is developed for bass applications also applicable for FX, with extremely rough sound and deep frequency range.

    It has one line input, one fixed CV input, one variable CV input and one…

    € 60,00
  • Roland SYSTEM-500 510 SYNTH
    Roland SYSTEM-500 510 SYNTH

    Roland SYSTEM-500 510 SYNTH

    With the SYS-510, designing your first modular setup or integrating classic Roland sound into your existing modular rig has never been easier. Based on the vintage SYSTEM-100m's 110 VCO, VCF, and VCA…

    € 409,00
  • Tiptop Audio - Forbidden Planet (filter)
    Tiptop Audio - Forbidden Planet (filter)

    Tiptop Audio - Forbidden Planet (filter)Welcome to the Forbidden Planet, an all analog multi-mode filter design influenced by the 1975 Steiner-Parker Synthacon model. Control the Forbidden Planet manually or through CV and take…

    € 139,00
  • Tiptop Audio Z2040 4-Pole Prophet 5 VCF
    Tiptop Audio Z2040 4-Pole Prophet 5 VCF

    Tiptop Audio Z2040 4-Pole Prophet 5 VCF

    The Z2040 is a great sounding analog that gives a lush creamy character to any sound passing through its core. When paired with a snappy envelope like the z4000, the Z2040’s rubber-like…

    € 199,00
  • TouellSkouarn Ar Merc’het Brao Module
    TouellSkouarn Ar Merc’het Brao Module

    TouellSkouarn Ar Merc’het Brao Module

    The Ar Merc’het Brao module is comprised of two filters and two overdrives.

    As usual at Touellskouarn it has a Breton name: Ar Merc’het Brao means "The pretty girls".

    It can be used…

    € 349,00
  • Verbos Electronics - Dual Four Pole
    Verbos Electronics - Dual Four Pole

    Verbos Electronics - Dual Four PoleLike a time traveler from the tape music studios in San Francisco and New York in the 1960s, this dual filter (based on the core of a classic all discrete transistor filter built way back then),…

    € 510,00
  • Verbos Electronics Bark Filter
    Verbos Electronics Bark Filter

    Verbos Electronics Bark Filter

    The Bark Filter Processor is a 12 band fixed filter bank with individual outputs and envelope followers on each band as well as a voltage controlled mixer for blending the outputs. The filters are…

    € 960,00
  • WMD - Quad Anti Aliasing Filter (QAAF) Black
    WMD - Quad Anti Aliasing Filter (QAAF) Black

    WMD Quad Anti Aliasing Filter (QAAF) Black

    he WMD Quad Anti Aliasing Filter (QAAF) was conceptualized as the first expansion for the Phase Displacement Oscillator.

    It is designed to eliminate aliasing and stair-step distortion…

    € 239,00
  • Doepfer A-106-6V XP Vintage Edition
    Doepfer A-106-6V XP Vintage Edition

    DOEPFER A-106-6V XP VINTAGE EDITIONModule A-106-6V is a multimode filter that is based on the filter circuit of the Oberheim Xpander. The module features 15 different filter types with 8 filters available simultaneously.


    € 190,00
  • 2023

    Supercritical Neutron Flux Filter
    Supercritical Neutron Flux Filter

    SUPERCRITICAL NEUTRON FLUX FILTERThe Neutron Flux 8 Pole Variable Character Filter is a 12hp skiff friendly eurorack filter module with a stereo analog core and digital control over it. The digital control allows the core to be…

    € 499,00
  • Doepfer A-121s  Stereo Multimode Filter
    Doepfer A-121s Stereo Multimode Filter

    Doepfer A-121s Stereo Multimode Filter

    Module A-121s is a dual multimode filter which can be used for stereo applications as well as for parallel or serial organized dual mono filters. The core is a 12dB multimode filter…

    € 260,00
  • Doepfer A-121sV  Stereo Multimode Filter Black
    Doepfer A-121sV Stereo Multimode Filter Black

    Doepfer A-121sV Stereo Multimode Filter Black

    Module A-121s is a dual multimode filter which can be used for stereo applications as well as for parallel or serial organized dual mono filters. The core is a 12dB multimode filter…

    € 280,00
  • Frap Tools Fumana Dual 16 Bands Spectral Editor Modul
    Frap Tools Fumana Dual 16 Bands Spectral Editor Modul

    Frap Tools Fumana Dual 16 Bands Spectral Editor Modul

    The FUMANA is an all analog dual filter bank with various control to access dynamically these bands. Each filter bank is composed of an array of 16 independent 48dB/oct…

    € 949,00
  • Bastl Instruments - Ikarie (stereo filter)
    Bastl Instruments - Ikarie (stereo filter)

    Bastl Instruments - Ikarie (stereo filter)

    Ikarie is a uniquely sculpted, flexible stereo or dual peak filter module. It can continuously transition between lowpass and highpass filtering with a single knob. It also packs in an…

    € 318,00
  • Bastl Instruments - Cinnamon (VC Filter)
    Bastl Instruments - Cinnamon (VC Filter)

    Bastl Instruments - Cinnamon (VC Filter)

    Cinnamon is a unique sounding filter. The presence of drive and character switches makes it a multi-flavored spice for your sound!

    Voltage Controlled Cutoff and Character Switches to…

    € 155,00
  • Buchla & Tiptop Audio - 296t Programmable Spectral Processor
    Buchla & Tiptop Audio - 296t Programmable Spectral Processor

    Tiptop estimates that next batch can be expected around May-June 2024.

    Buchla & Tiptop Audio - 296t

    Programmable Spectral Processor 296t

    52 HP

    Eurorack 200 series
    Please note:

    € 749,00
  • Doepfer A-105-2  24dB SSI Low Pass Filter
    Doepfer A-105-2 24dB SSI Low Pass Filter

    Doepfer A-105-2 24dB SSI Low Pass Filter

    Module A-105-2 is a voltage controlled low pass filter with 24dB/octave slope. It is the successor of the A-105 which had to be discontinued because the obsolete SSM2044 filter circuit.…

    € 120,00
  • Doepfer A-105-2V  24dB SSI Low Pass Filter
    Doepfer A-105-2V 24dB SSI Low Pass Filter

    Doepfer A-105-2V 24dB SSI Low Pass Filter (black)

    Module A-105-2 is a voltage controlled low pass filter with 24dB/octave slope. It is the successor of the A-105 which had to be discontinued because the obsolete SSM2044 filter…

    € 130,00
  • Frap Tools Cunsa (quad filter)
    Frap Tools Cunsa (quad filter)

    Frap Tools Cunsa (quad filter)

    Cunsa is Frap Tools' quadruple analog pingable multimode resonant filter, saturator, mixer, and oscillator. The module consists of four multimode resonant filters with saturation and feedback…

    € 1.031,35
  • Doepfer A-121d Dual Multimode Filter
    Doepfer A-121d Dual Multimode Filter

    Doepfer A-121d Dual Multimode Filter

    Module A-121s is a special dual multimode filter which can be used for parallel or serial organized dual mono filters. Even stereo applications are imaginable. The filter are based on two…

    € 170,00
  • Doepfer A-121dV Dual Multimode Filter (black)
    Doepfer A-121dV Dual Multimode Filter (black)

    Doepfer A-121dV Dual Multimode Filter (black)

    Module A-121s is a special dual multimode filter which can be used for parallel or serial organized dual mono filters. Even stereo applications are imaginable. The filter are based on…

    € 180,00
  • Doepfer A-124-2 Wasp Filter
    Doepfer A-124-2 Wasp Filter

    Doepfer A-124-2 Wasp Filter

    Module A-124-2 is the slim version of the Wasp filter module A-124.
    The main difference compared to the A-124 are the small controls for Mix and Input Level because for lack of space. And the lowpass…

    € 120,00
  • Doepfer A-124-2SE Wasp Filter black/yellow Slim Line
    Doepfer A-124-2SE Wasp Filter black/yellow Slim Line

    Doepfer A-124-2SE Wasp Filter black/yellow Slim Line

    Module A-124-2 is the slim version of the Wasp filter module A-124.
    The main difference compared to the A-124 are the small controls for Mix and Input Level because for lack of…

    € 120,00

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