Sample and Hold

You may have heard of the term sample rate in regards to audio. This is a big part of how we create digital audio from an analog signal. During recording, samples of the audio are taken to measure how much amplitude it has at a given point in time. Then when these samples are played back at the same rate it reproduces what we recorded. Most audio is recorded at 44,100 samples per second because this was determined to be the minimum resolution required to accurately reproduce the upper range of human hearing (20,000 Hz) according to something called the Nyquist theorem.

Sample and hold follows a similar principal, only in this case we are able to vary the sample rate, and the samples are output as voltages. Whenever a gate signal is received, a sample is captured of the source’s current voltage level.

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  • Doepfer A-148 Dual Sample&Hold / Track&Hold
    Doepfer A-148 Dual Sample&Hold / Track&Hold

    Module A-148 (Dual S&H) has two identical sample & hold modules, designed to produce 'staircase' voltages. The signal present at the sample input is sampled at a rate set by the signal at the trigger input, and held at that…

    € 70,00
  • Make Noise Wogglebug (black)
    Make Noise Wogglebug (black)

    Richter WogglebugThe "WoggleBug" is a random voltage generator, originally designed by Grant Richter of Wiard Synthesizers. It is a continuation of the "smooth" and "stepped" fluctuating random voltage sources pioneered by Don…

    € 289,00
  • Doepfer A-148v Dual Sample&Hold / Track&Hold (black vintage editon)
    Doepfer A-148v Dual Sample&Hold / Track&Hold (black vintage editon)

    Doepfer A-148v Dual Sample&Hold / Track&Hold (black vintage editon)

    Module A-148 (Dual S/H) has two identical sample and hold modules, designed to produce 'staircase' voltages.

    The signal present at the sample input is sampled…

    € 80,00
  • Doepfer A-152 Voltage Addressed Track&Hold / Analog Shift Register (ASR)/ Octal Switch (Multiplexer)
    Doepfer A-152 Voltage Addressed Track&Hold / Analog Shift Register (ASR)/ Octal Switch (Multiplexer)

    Module A152 is a very useful switching and T&H module. It combines a voltage addressed 1-to-8 multiplexer and 8 fold T&H that can be used as kind of an analog shift register too. The active in/output is displayed by a LED. The…

    € 160,00
  • Mutable Instruments Stages
    Mutable Instruments Stages

    Mutable Instruments Stages

    Segment generator

    ASR envelope, complex 6-stage envelope, LFO, 4-step sequence or switched LFO: Stages can be any
    kind of modulation.
    Not because all these behaviors…

    € 299,00
  • Grp Synthesizer - S&H Noise
    Grp Synthesizer - S&H Noise

    Grp Synthesizer - S&H Noise

    Sample & Hold wint Noise Generator Int/Ext clock source
    Input Level, Glide Amount and Internal Clock Rate
    Noise Generator has White, Pink and Low Freq Noise
    Panel Width: 6 HP
    +12V = 15mA
    -12V =…

    € 190,00
  • Frap Tools SAPEL (Tamed Random Source)
    Frap Tools SAPEL (Tamed Random Source)

    Frap Tools SAPEL (Tamed Random Source)

    The SAPÈL is a random control voltages source for eurorack modular systems.

    It is composed of two main sections, one that generates audio noises, in 4 different versions, and another which…

    € 535,20

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